Herb Garden Boxes
Our most obvious space is filled with garden boxes for lettuce which we first built last year.
We really like the corner of our patio,(pictured) with a small Hibiscus Tree in the center surrounded by Bulbine which provides sweet yellow blossoms for many months each year.
After contemplating for some time, we decided to keep the space as it is except to remove a foot of the Bulbine along the outer edge and use our Herb Garden as a border.
Measure your space. Go to your local hardware store and purchase 4 pieces of wood 6"x2': have them cut it to the length of your dimensions. Also purchase screws or nails.

Now, nail or screw your 4 pieces together to make a planter box!
How hard is that?
You can decide at this time if you are going to put a weed block covering on the bottom of your box. Since you are planting herbs with relatively shallow roots, we think it is a good idea.
Just buy a roll of weed block (available at a hardware store or nursery, roll it out and staple it to the bottom of the box.
You can keep the boxes natural or spray paint the exterior. The interior doesn't matter since it will be filled with perfect soil and plants.

You are done with your box and you can move on to Step Three!
Now move your box into place. Be careful to get it placed just the way you want it since it's much, much easier to move before you fill it with soil.

The border affect is now obvious. And, instead of making the little corner look smaller, it just looks neater and what a great space for gourmet herbs~
Only two more Steps to go before we have a charming addition to our gourmet herbs and vegetables! How fantastic is this?
It is time to mix your perfect soil, an important step. In your excitement to complete the project, don't skip this. Please go to the Green Gourmet Gardener (link below) to get the exact formula.
You absolutely will not regret it!
Just like any other recipe, assemble your ingredients.
Also, we have found that a good quality tarp is helpful (kind of like your mixing bowl).
Place the tarp near the garden box that you have in place and mix the ingredients for the perfect soil.
You can see how rich and black the garden soil is, containing the perfect balance of nutrients to guarantee success to your plant growth.
Think of it as making homemade soup: if your broth or stock is excellent, the vegetables that you add will taste extraordinary.
Fill your boxes with perfect soil.
Step Five
Fill your boxes!
That's right!
Your work in making the weed proof boxes and mixing just the right soil will guarantee that your gourmet herb garden will grow (it must have sunlight and water) without weeding constantly, fertilizing or fussing.
Step Six
Plant your herbs!
Enjoy your beautiful garden!

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